Archive for October 2014
Sept 2014: Leigh Simmons, stickleback personality, and caterpillars with hats
Dieter Hochuli from the University of Sydney, tells me what life’s like for a caterpillar, and how one has evolved a cool mechanism to avoid being attacked. I find out how personality might influence your decision making, if you’re a stickleback. And in the scientific spark, I talk to Leigh Simmons who is managing editor of the scientific journal Behavioral Ecology, and Professor at, and Director of, the Centre for Evolutionary Biology at the University of Western Australia, about his inspiration to become a scientist.

The gum leaf skeletoniser caterpillar is very fashion-forward with its approach to headgear. Photo: Nuytsia@tas
Dieter Hochuli's Research Gate page
Diamanto Mamuneas' paper
Diamanto Mamuneas' research page
Leigh Simmons' research page